Sunday, May 10, 2009

Errors are the beginning of the learning process!

Firstly, to start I would like to state that it is pretty normal that people make some mistakes, even more those who are studying some career related to English Language. I think it is fine for our level to commit mistakes , because we are not native english speakers. In fact, we are latinamerican and spanish speakers, which represents the basic reason for all our mistakes and misundertandings, in terms of speaking, listening, reading and writing.

Well, I have realized that the most common error that we commit in our wrintings is related to spelling errors, which significates that we type too fast that there is sometimes we can make dozens of this type of mistake without noticing them. And furthermore, there are some funny words that we make up, based on this kind of error.

Another common mistake, and what I think it will be the most difficult error to get over to us, is when we translate from spanish to english our thoughts about what we are trying to express through our writings. How I mentioned at the beginning, this error is due to fact that we are native spanish speakers.

Ultimately, a minor mistake that I have seen is related to grammar structures and verbal tenses, which means that there are few errors confusing present tense with past tense and some grammatical inappropiate order structures.

Finally, I have realized that we do not have further problems when we tried to express ourselves. It is demonstrated in the coherence and in the well supported ideas full of good human values , which sometimes is more important and appreciated than a fancy, sophisticated and formal vocabulary.

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