Monday, March 30, 2009

That's more than I can bear

There are many situations that really make me get annoyed, although there is a punctual situation that I really cannot stand, this is when somebody is being pickpocketed, and everybody in that place have noticed, but despite, nobody does anything to stop this awful act, and neither to think that they would point their fingers to denounce and to show to everybody who is the pickpocket.

It once happened, I was in a bus stop in EstaciĆ³n Central, when a I saw a thief who was pickpocketing to a person that was trying to get on a bus. Everybody there was seeing what was happening, but anyone did nothing to stop it. Besides, the thief had got on in the bus too, so I went to that bus to tell the bus driver that a pickpocket had got on in his bus, an he responded to me: Yes, I know. I could not believe it, he knew about that situation, in spite of this, he did not stop it. Well, after that, I kept awaiting for the bus in the bus stop, and, to my atonishment, the thief had comeback to keep commiting that unpunished act . It seemed to me unbelieveable. In that very moment, I felt the anger flowing through my vains. I could not bear that situation to happen again in front of me. The bus, which I was awaiting for came, and the thief, again, went to the crowd, which was trying to get on in the bus, to rob someone's stuff. So, I stood next to the pickpocket and I said to him: get out of here, that is not your stuff. Incredibly, he responded to me: I was just trying to get on the bus to go home. Then, I replyed: get out of my way before I kick your ass. Afterwards, the robber went back to the bus stop, but he could not keep doing his job, at least, when I left that place on the bus, everyone on the bus stop was looking at him, so ,I imgine, that he could not rob, at least, for a few of hours, due to the shame to be recognize.

Some days later, I saw him again, in the same bus stop, but people there knew who was he, thus, people in that place stop him by themselves. I have never seen the pickpocket again , since the second time that I saw him, in that bus stop.

So, the first step to solve this kind of situation is to have courage to denounce this act in public,when it is happening. After this begining, all people there will get together to support you to stop the thief. And, as a second, and very important step, is to do not get in a crowd to get on a bus. Instead of this, poeple should make a line to get on the bus, thusly, respecting the turn of everybody, and to avoid to hit, to pull or to push anybody else, trying to get on a bus. In other words, getting on a bus in a ordely way.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

It was completely avoidable

An article published online by BBC News(1) reported a very bad example (in Japan) about how to manage several cases of school bullying. It is due to fact that many schoolchildren wrote to the Education minister to inform him about the difficult and unconfortable situation which they had been being object. The Education minister gave them an irresponsible and thoughtless answer to their alarming call, he adviced them to not write again, to which, I wonder if there is something more important than a human being life. Well, it clearly seemed to be the case where the life of a humna being is not important enough to get the attention of a significant japanese authority. So, I guess, it had more worth a good goverment management appearance than the lives of many schoolchildren. I believe that bullying is a miserable act commited by guys who are not conscious of their acts, in fact, it is a reprehensible act. In spite of the I stated previously, the japanese Education minister reaction was not a reprehensible act, but an unbelievable and unforgivable act. We need authorities that work for the people´s well-being, not for their own, in especial case of school bullying. Do not you believe it?

(1) Hogg, Chris. "School bullying in Japan". BBC News(2006). Online. 29 March 2009.

Monday, March 23, 2009

About part of myself

This is my first time that I do this, in other words, publisihing a text which is created for me and express part of myself, my feelings, my thoughts, my view of the world. Thus, I will try to write as clear as I can, due to the fact that I am not used to publish my thinking and, actually, I do not like to do it, I am forced to do it, though.

I am a guy who wants to find the way to be completely happy which includes trying to achieve my goals and helping people close to me to get their own. Although, most of the time I cannot accomplish my own, so it is unlikely that i can help anybody else to get them.

The people that know me or ,at least, have talked to me think that I am a narrow-minded person, because I do not agree with them in some topics and because when they explain to me their opinion or view of a situation I respond "Why?", and they believe that I am criticizing their thinking. But, what I am really doing when I ask "Why?", is trying to help them if they have seriously thought about what they believe. And, actually, that is my reason to be a teacher. In fact, because I want to help people to find out their path, their objective, the meaning of their lives.